Colette Squires & Associates
Mediation • Consulting • Restorative Justice

Not-for-Profit Organizations

The not-for-profit is an amazing workplace: full of people with passion and vision to make our world a better place. Nurturing communities, and providing opportunities for volunteers, the not-for-profit sector contributes to our nation’s wellbeing in significant ways. See more on the unique role of not-for-profit organizations.

As a former not-for-profit Executive Director, Colette also knows that keeping up with the demand for service can often delay the completion of administrative tasks. With declining budgets and increasing accountability, however, reporting, grant applications, evaluations and policy updates are more important than ever.

Colette Squires and Associates provide cost efficient and timely solutions to competing priorities. Short-term contracts provide targeted expertise to get things done – on time, on budget, and in accordance with your direction.

Project based services include:

  • Program Design and Development
  • Evaluation Design and Completion
  • Proposal and Grant Writing
  • Research
  • Volunteer/Staff Training and Coaching
  • Policy and Procedure Updating and Development
  • Organizational Development

Click here for more information on Training

With excellence and follow-through, we help you secure the results you need. Contact us or call 604-309-7319 to discuss how your project can be accomplished sooner that you thought!

Client Testimonials

“Thank you for the wonderful experience I had in your coaching group yesterday.  I was terrified at the prospect of what I thought may include some harsh criticism, but it ended up being so helpful.”
“Colette was very encouraging and challenged me, too”
“Colette was excellent!  I really enjoyed working with her – she was knowledgeable, funny, attentive, interesting, and very helpful.”
“Colette was very insightful, provided very helpful feedback, and she considered other approaches.”

— JIBC Students

“Excellent professional appearance and attitude.  I really enjoyed the overall experience.  I liked the way Colette modified the way each coaching session went, depending on the content.  I also liked the positive energy.”

— Coaching Client